I'm a firm believer in having a good balance of being social and having me time, but sometimes that me time just translates in to 'sit and feel sorry for me' time which I'm not really down with. I like to have a positive vibe but sometimes I let little things build up and it's taken me a long time to realise that's it's okay to be annoyed about something small. Everyone's situations are different and there will always, always be someone worse off than you but you know what, it's okay to get upset if you smash your phone screen, if your coffee leaks and ruins the only handbag and purse you have in the country, If you haven't seen your other half for months or even if someone says something a bit shitty to you at work for no reason but as cliché as it is, tomorrow really is another day. The real issue is how you deal with these things, I let myself mope for a little bit but then I like to reclaim my alone time to think about all the little moments in life that make me feel great.