I've decided that from now on I'm going to dedicate my Sunday posts to all things positive, I'm going to be carrying on with my happiness is a Sunday and life in instagram posts but I also wanted to start some new ones - A post about a few of my favourite blogs this week and few de-stressing posts to get all of you into a positive mood before the dreaded Monday morning rolls around and the blues set in. I'm going to be doing this every few weeks and labelling all my posts as Sunday Series and I hope you guys find some new blogs to love as much as I do.
Sade's blog was one of the first blogs I started reading after I joined blogger and I'm still loving her posts and positive outlook. Her photography skills are amazing (you can vote for her for best use of photography in the company style awards) and this girl knows how to put an outfit together like nobodies business. She's always there with a kind comment and also has a penchant for green tea and onesies and you just can't fault that in a person.
Find her blog here.
I have major wardrobe envy every time Hannah posts, she has great personal style and the most gorgeous accessories, definitely a must read for anyone who likes to see outfit posts that are a bit different, this girl doesn't shy away from wearing what she wants.
Find her blog here.
I love Maddies style, she's another who doesn't shy away from wearing what she likes. Her personal style is a breath of fresh air, fun and colourful are two words that spring to mind and her outfits are always accompanied by little tidbits about the goings on in her life.
Find her blog here.
Maddies blog is a mixture of fashion and life posts accompanied by lovely pictures and I don't really know how a blog can be relaxing to read but hers really is, so easy to end up reading post after post. Her outfits are always lovely too look at as she has a great eye for colours and textures and she always has something positive and lovely to say.
Find her blog here.
I love Helen's unique and down to earth style and her posts about recent holidays and dream destinations give me the worst case of wanderlust. Alongside her lovely outfit posts she also blogs about beauty and different things going on in her life. Definitely one to read if you like a bit of variety in your reading.
Find her blog here.
So that's this weeks round up, I hope you've all had a good read, let me know if you have any blogs to recommend for my Sunday afternoon reading.